

48 students enrolled

NOTE: You have to finish these courses before you can enroll this course

  • Day 1 

    Node JS introduction lessons.


    • 1
      Lesson 1 – Introduction
      Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm,
    • 2
      Lesson 2 – NPM and NVM
      NPM NPM is the package manager used by Node.js applications - you can find a ton of modules here, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. It is like Maven for Java or Composer for PHP. There are two
    • 3
      Lesson 3 – Real web application
      When I arrived at the point where I wanted to start with my first "real" Node.js application, I wondered not only how to actually code it, but also how to organize my code. Do I need to have everythi
    • 4
      Node JS – Day 1 – Quiz
    • 5
      Tasks – Node Introductory
      Install nodeJS. can help you out. Try printing simple console.log statements. Once you've printed your console statements, move ahead and do a simple calculat
  • Day 2 

    Connecting nodeJS with mysql.


    • 1
      Lesson 1 – Using MySQL with nodeJS
      NoSQL databases are all the rage these days and probably the preferred back-end for Node.js applications. But you shouldn’t architect your next project based on what’s hip and trendy, rather the t
    • 2
      Lesson 2 – Executing queries
      Reading Now that you know how to establish a connection to MySQL from Node.js, let’s see how to execute SQL queries. We’ll start by specifying the database name (developscripts) in the createCon
    • 3
      Node JS Day 2 Quiz
      Day 2 Quiz on mysql and node js
    • 4
      Database connectivity – Tasks
      Insert a user data into the database and fetch the record inserted from the table using the insertID. After the record is fetched, display a profile page for the user. Try editing your user
  • Day 3 

    Async and Express JS


    • 1
      Lesson 1 – Async in NodeJS
      Async is a utility module which provides straight-forward, powerful functions for working with asynchronous JavaScript. Although originally designed for use with Node.js and installable via npm ins
    • 2
      Lesson 2 – Express JS
      Express.js is an amazing framework for Node.js projects and used in the majority of such web apps. Unfortunately, there’s a lack of tutorials and examples on how to write good production-ready code.
    • 3
      Lesson 3 – Deferred Promises
      The deferred.promise() method allows an asynchronous function to prevent other code from interfering with the progress or status of its internal request. The Promise exposes only the Deferred method
    • 4
      Node JS – Day 3 – Quiz
    • 5
      Express JS – Tasks
      Use express generator and generate a app. Make sure your template engine is EJS. Connect your express app to a database. Use promise library to fetch results from the database.  
  • Day 4 

    File uploading in express JS with multer.


    • 1
      Lesson 1 – File uploads in ExpressJS
      Setup files uploading in an Express.js application using Multer.js. Multer is a node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data. It is written on top of busboy for maximum efficiency. Multer accep
    • 2
      Node JS – Day 4 – Quiz
    • 3
      File uploading – Tasks
      Generate a express application with your application generator. Upload files and show your uploads in "/upload" directory. Add lucarative plugins like "dropzone" or "jquery-file-upload". Mak
  • Day 5 

    Session Maintenance in node JS/Express JS using express session


    • 1
      Session Maintenance with Express Session
      Before heading to actual code, I want to put few words about express-session module. To use this module, you must have to include express in your project. Like for all packages, we have to first inclu
    • 2
      Day 5 – Node JS – Quiz
    • 3
      Session Maintenance – Tasks
      Use express session to instantiate a session maintenance module in your application. Maintain session, write your login, log-off functionalities yourself. Use passport-strategy and try imple
  • Day 6 & 7 

    Registration and login


    • 1
      Lesson 1 – Login & Registration
      There are two broad ways of implementing sessions in Express – using cookies and using a session store at the backend. Both of them add a new object in the request object named session, which contai
    • 2
      Forward Auction – E-commerce Task 1
      Tasks - Signup 1. check if username exists, if it does, dont allow signup. 2. check if email exists, dont allow signup for duplicate entries. 3. send confirmation email to the registered user.
  • Day 7 & 8 

    Posting product and editing product


    • 1
      Lesson 2 – Posting product
      Having set session and maintaining session in your previous tutorial, you can try to add products and list them in this tutorial. Before we jump into the tutorial, here's a task.  Add a route "/pr
    • 2
      Forward Auction – E-commerce – Task 2
      Add date added and date closed with datetime attribute to your product table. Add client side and server side validations wherever necessary. Add product edit feature/functionality. Try usin
  • Day 9 - 11 

    Building overall products dashboard and product view page


    • 1
      Lesson 3 – Product view page and product listing
      Having completed the first two phases of our e-commerce application, we can now move on to the most integral part, the part where we'll list and show products to the users. Before jumping into the
    • 2
      Forward Auction – E-commerce – Task 3
      Check what is dynamic routing. Show timers in your product view page with countdown.js
  • Day 12 - 14 

    Adding to cart, updation of cart and checking out.


    • 1
      Lesson 4 – Adding to cart and checkout
      Adding to cart Now that we have built our product listing and product view pages, we can now proceed with selling the item. Selling an item is easy, you can find a table called "cart_temp" in your da
    • 2
      Forward Auction – E-commerce – Task 4
      Adding to cart - Tasks Calculate the total amount of items in the cart. (Clue: use EJS summing functionalities) Add option to remove the item from cart. Add a checkbox which when clic
  • Day 15 - 18 

    Bidding and proxy bidding modules


    • 1
      Lesson 5 – Auctioning your products
      Bidding Forward auction products allow users to bid for the products, at incremental phase. Once if a person bids for $5 dollars, the next bid will be $10 and not less than $5. Let's see how exact
    • 2
      Forward Auction – E-commerce – Task 5
      Send mail after bid is placed successfully to the bidder. Find the other bidders for the same product and if their amount is less than the bidded amount, send them “you have been outbidden”
  • Day 19 - 21 

    Payment modules and payment modules integration.


    • 1
      Payment APIs
      A payment gateway is a merchant service provided by an e-commerce application service provider that authorizes credit card or direct payments processing for e-businesses, online retailers, bricks and
    • 2
      Your own PayPal integration!
      Before making your first payment integration, understand that all payment gateways now a days needs HTTPS to provide you their service. Here's PayPal's notice on their site, The Payment Card Industry
    • 3
      Forward Auction – E-commerce – Task 6
      Rewind to your day 12 - day -14 lessons. Remember we created a table for invoices? Update transaction ID, paid and paid date in the invoice table as soon as the credit card response is "approved".
  • Day 22 - 23 

    Shipping APIs and simple shipping module


    • 1
      Shipping APIs – Fedex and UPS
      Introduction (from Wikipedia) FedEx Corporation (NYSE: FDX), is a leading logistics services company. FedEx is a syllabic abbreviation of the company's original name, Federal Express. United P
    • 2
      Simple Shipping Module
      Having seen the available shipping APIs and the complexities in adding them to site, we can try a simple shipping module, where we can just give tracking id and comments to the buyer for him to track
    • 3
      Forward Auction – E-commerce – Task 7
      Show shipping info on buyer dashboard. Show shipping info on seller dashboard. Try to show shipping info to buyer only in the product view page.
  • Day 24- 25 

    Making your application realtime with SocketIO


    • 1
      NodeJS –
      Making application realtime starts with, and ABCD of can be understood with a chat application. So
    • 2
      Real Time Application – Tasks
      Broadcast a message to connected users when someone connects or disconnects Add support for nicknames Don’t send the same message to the user that sent it himself. Instead, append the mess

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